Mit dem Motto “ Schlagzeug spielen ist ein Schicksal und keine Wahl“ habe ich angefangen solche Schulprojekt Ideen  aufzubauen. Und ich genieße es mit jeder Sekunde.

The children are always motivated, attentive, curious, and have a lot of joy.

If I'm to be called your presentation in front of 500 children, students and adults games, I am always pleased, because today I have scattered re-500 seeds of creativity, let's see what this the time, a student said: "The rhythm of Cooking, school party ideas for elementary school", and he was right!

Dieses Schulprojektkonzept schafft die Möglichkeit, etwas schönes zu schreiben, ein Problem zu lösen, sich nicht zu langweilen, oder sogar über sich hinaus zu wachsen. So wie ich es erlebt habe, ich hatte lange kein eigenes Schlagzeug, dadurch habe ich mich aber nicht entmutigen lassen, ich nahm Töpfe, Gabeln, Schneebesen, einfach alles was ich haben konnte und machte meine ganz eigene Musik…

Trommelprojekt Grundschule:
Beatboxen, Wörter-Beats, Trommeln, Tanzen und Lachen!

Alles fängt in unserem Kopf an und alles Lernen ist am Nachhaltigsten, wenn es durch den ganzen Körper geht. Rhythmus ist keine Ausnahme! Alles was wir denken, oder im Kopf spielen, hören und kreieren können, können wir danach mit unseren Händen in Musik übertragen. Diese akustische Neugier ist in jedem Kind angelegt, egal wie musikalisch es ist. Als ich noch ein Kind war und kein Schlagzeug hatte, habe ich gemerkt, dass mein Kopf und meine Ohren jeden Tag und überall Rhythmen fanden, egal wo ich war und welchen Aktivitäten ich nachging. Ich war neugierig, es überall zu probieren, um zu wissen, ob alle Rhythmen die ich im Kopf fand, wirklich spielbar sein würden…Langsam fing ich an, alle Arten von Alltagsgegenständen zu sammeln, mit denen man Rhythmen erzeugen konnte: Schlagen, Raspeln, Klappern, Trommeln, Schieben, etc….Ein permanenter Versuch zu übertragen, was sich in meinem Kopf schon lange zusammenfügte und lebte: Rhythmus.

Heute, als Profi-Schlagzeuger, finden die Schüler/Innen und ich in einem Trommelprojekt Grundschule-Format die Möglichkeiten, diese Neugier wiederzufinden, und zu erleben. Im Alltag blättern wir in einer Zeitschrift, klopfen ein Gefäß aus, putzen unsere Zähne – wo wir sind, da sind Geräusche – wo wir sind, da ist Rhythmus! Im Workshop bekommen die SUS solche Alltagsgegenstände, z.B. Eimer, Plastik-Rohre, Bürsten, Printmedien, Nüsse, Fingerhüte, Thermoskannen und vieles mehr, mit dem sie Rhythmen erzeugen können. Ein kreativer Trommel-Workshop, der die Wahrnehmung und die Koordination schult, und die Schüler neu entdecken lässt, dass der Rhythmus in allen Gegenständen steckt.

In times where Social media and electronic games are the most important work in the lives of children and young people, I find it particularly important and a good thing to not be able to give you a Motivation or idea that music and rhythm only exist in YouTube, TikTok or Instagram, but in our own head. That you bring your own everything, to be able to make music.

Wörter-Beats, Body-Percussion, Noten-Pausen, Lateinamerikanische Rhythmen, Up-Beats und vieles mehr werden gemeinsam auf diesem Trommelprojekt für Grundschulen gestaltet. Sogar Beat-Boxen werden wir zur Musik, was für die SUS oft ein unglaubliches Erlebnis darstellt, wenn 40-50 Personen gemeinsam einen bestimmten Rhythmus Beat-Boxen, einfach einmalig! Damit erleben die SUS auch einen anderen, körperlichen Zugang zur Sprache und deren Klang.

„Der Rhythmus Kocht“ ist ein sehr originelles, interaktives Grundschule-Mitmach-Trommelprojekt , das die Kreativitat fördert, Koordination schult, Wissenswertes vermittelt, und schließlich motiviert.

Drum Project Elementary School

The theatre is probably the wrong word, it is much more than just a Theater, it's the rhythm, creativity and Neufindung.

A "drum project elementary school" to discover and join... pleasure for Big and Small.

Ever since I can remember, I play drums, I feel rhythms. Drums, in particular, what I found was normal for me, it was in my blood. I used everything that was offered to me, lights, heating body, boxes, pots, cans and, of course, my drums... It was my go to is always possible to me, in my world, feel the sound, the rhythm followed.

 You are experiencing with your elementary school, a drum project another thought: theatre, drums, and an interactive concert of a very special kind.

1 Tag

The kids and I to make together a show full of jokes, Beat Boxing, words-Beat-boxe, Cha Cha Dance, Latin American rhythms and clapping, and of course a lot of Laughter!
In Each round, up to 80 children can participate. If there are, for example, 320 pupils, a total of 4 innings to play.



2 Tage

Day 1The kids and I to make together a show full of jokes, Beat Boxing, words-Best-boxes, Cha Cha Dance, Latin American rhythms and clapping, and of course a lot of Laughter!

In each round, up to 80 children can participate. If there are, for example, 320 pupils, a total of 4 innings to play.

Day 2: We split in groups of up to 80 children, and we deepen and repeat some of the Exercises from the first day. We Beat boxes more complicated rhythms and play and feel the Salsa clave!

3 Tage

Day 1The kids and I to make together a show full of jokes, Beat Boxing, words-Best-boxes, Cha Cha Dance, Latin American rhythms and clapping, and of course a lot of Laughter!

In each round, up to 80 children can participate together. for example, If there are 320 students a total of 4 innings to play.

Day 2: We split in groups of up to 80 children, and we deepen and repeat some of the Exercises from the first day. We Beat boxes more complicated rhythms and play and feel the Salsa clave!

Day 3We can practice to be invited for a short performance where the parents and families (Optional). If there is no performance will take place then we play other rhythms with something more difficult coordinations, and We count tempo, bars, etc. More Beat-boxes with new Sounds, such as broom, bells, etc. More words-Beat-boxes where the kids decide what words we are creating new rhythms. We Dance to Salsa and try to play at the same time, the Clave (a very difficult Exercise, but not impossible!)


4 Tage

Day 1The kids and I to make together a show full of jokes, Beat Boxing, words-Best-boxes, Cha Cha Dance, Latin American rhythms and clapping, and of course a lot of laughter!

In each round, up to 80 children can participate together. If there are, for example, 320 pupils, a total of 4 innings to play.

Day 2: We split in groups of up to 80 children, and we deepen and repeat some of the Exercises from the first day. We Beat boxes more complicated rhythms and play and feel the Salsa clave!

Day 3We practice intensive for the performance of which will be played on the last day, where parents and families are invited.

Day 4: We rehearse together (something like a General sample), and then a performance for parents and families will be listed (The performance time can be in the Morning or Nachmittegs).

5 Tage

Day 1The kids and I to make together a show full of jokes, Beat Boxing, words-Best-boxes, Cha Cha Dance, Latin American rhythms and clapping, and of course a lot of laughter!

In each round, up to 80 children can participate together. If there are, for example, 320 pupils, a total of 4 innings to play.

Day 2: We split in groups of up to 80 children, and we deepen and repeat some of the Exercises from the first day. We Beat boxes more complicated rhythms and play and feel the Salsa clave!

Day 3We practice intensive for the performance of which will be played on the last day where parents and families are invited.

Day 4We practice intensive individually (Each group rehearses approx. 1 hour) for the performance of which will be played on the last day where parents and families are invited.

Day 5: We rehearse together (something like a General sample), and then we play a show for the parents and families (The performance time can be in the Morning or Nachmittegs).

Terms and conditions

Die Preise variieren je nach Anzahl des Publikums. Daher ist eine individuelle Absprache immer von Vorteil, insbesondere für Aktionen mit Projekten, die einen Tag, zwei Tage oder eine Woche dauern. Es empfiehlt sich, die Absprache telefonisch zu treffen.

0175 703 3103

Der Preis pro Schüler/in/Person beträgt zw. €5 und €26.


Theatre, drums, and Buenos Aires

With an artistic family in Buenos Aires, I grew up there, creativity, theatre, Trommlen and rhythm were considered to be always good.

At the age of 12 years, I have had my first contact with the drums, since school band and the world of music, an integral part of my life. I was lucky, because a few years later Junior Cesari, the master of the drums in South America, discovered me.

Schulprojekte Grundschule

With Junior Cesari on my side and many years of intensive Training, I have developed a deep connection to Latin American music and its rhythms. I was willing to accept professional Jobs. If you want to know on which tour, on which concerts, or with which the musicians I have played together, you may click on the “ About me“.

In spite of the years in which I have prof played professionally drums, has always remained my own rhythm in me. The creativity with everyday objects to create music that moves and inspires.

Solche Schulprojekte Grundschulen einladen, faszinieren und motivieren: Wecken auch  nicht nur das Trommeln, sondern auch das „innere Schlagzeug“  und lassen es nie mehr einschlafen!“. Überzeugen Sie sich selbst.

I've decided to do this because I want to evoke the creativity of the children and students.


Schuleprojekte Ideen der besonderen Art für Grundschulen : Der Rhythmus Kocht

"THE RHYTHM of COOKING", the drums a destiny and no choice is play!
Javier Chernicoff
Primary & Elementary Drum projects

“...Under the Motto of “playing drums, is a destiny and not a choice” , I want to evoke musical passion and enthusiasm of primary school children up to high school students and transfer: Ryhthmus is everywhere in our daily life, all living things have a certain rhythm, and all the actions we make every day a Ryhthmus.

With exciting stories I (dressed as a chef), together with the children of different rhythms and Exercises (Clap/involvement of kitchen utensils/ rhythms to sing).

The children will be better then involved with various kitchen utensils such as drivers, Snow, to make meat tenderizer, pot lid, frying pan, canister, wooden spoon, etc. rhythms to repeat this and create yourself.

The goals are to learn rhythms to get to know, and coordination exercise, to foster creativity through musical use everyday to develop objects, tact, and to discover, to play with new, easy ways, all supported by this hands-on concert. The students leave the theatre, drums, hands-on concert elated and motivated the band to try out.

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